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  • Collapsed Overpass


    School art work

    What’s going on at home?

    Art work

    Don’t Be Late

    Time to be shitty

    Not Black Enough

    Not Black Enough

    Saint Clinton


    A Conservative Nightmare

    Capitalism Rocks


    No Durians

    No Durians

    Super Flying Mario Bros.

    Is it me or does this stuff look like it was made with MS-Paint?


    Find more of this kind of madness at:

    United States Military Bases


    I love this country so much.

    drunk football fans


    i was watcihng the south florida game a few weeks and and i paused it to check out the chick in the middle’s rack… and then i looked to her left. how freaking wasted can you get and still stand? ask her!

    Oddly dressed model


    from John Galliano’s new collection… wtf?

    NSFW – Erotic Fruits/Plants

    Penis plants :


    Hell Froze Over




    Need A beer

    Need A Beer

    At least he is honest.

    Continental Rule 34

    Once you go black...

    [africa and south america gettin it on]

    Awesome Book Art

    In prison, this book would have a shank hidden in it...

    Artist Brian Dettmer takes books, cuts them up and makes them look cool.

    This one’s of the The Physiological Basis of Medical Practice, 2006.

    Lots more here:

  • Piranha on Steroids


    NSFW – Bouguereau’s Birth of Venus

    Not skinny, not fat, just beautiful.


    Awesome Pac-Man

    By the lovely HappyToast:


    Bad Grammar Destroys Nations


    NSFW – UPS Package Deliver

    NSFW Packaging :


    Save The Planet


    LOL Chair


    Abortion Is Never Too Late


    abortion kills.  thats the fucking point

    American Soldier


    Kid on alligator

    Hint #27 that your parents didn’t really want you:

    Kid on croc

    broomrape lane street sign

    Who names these streets, anyways? I sure wouldn’t want to live there.


    Evolution of Britney Spears

    What’s sad is that I couldn’t even submit it to the “I’d hit it” contest.

    Evolution of Britney Spears

    Pyramid head helmet

    Pyramid head helmet

    I like the original better but one can’t be to picky when the clock is ticking.

    Plastic Bottles

    Please recycle.

    Depicts two million plastic beverage bottles, the number used in the US every five minutes.

    Snake Attack

    I don’t know where this is from, but it’s mighty cool.

    Snake Attack

    Riding a Beholder

    Just when you thought that Bear Cavalry was bad enough…


    Will it take off, R2?


    Andy Woerner and his crazy rocketeer friends have built a 21-foot long X-Wing model that can actually fly.

    More here

    NSFW – Rainbow Brite

    She’s all grown up… sniff…


    The GOP Bus


    FYI… the Republican presidential candidates recently refused to hold a debate at a black university.

    Old D&D advertisement

    Don’t you wish that you could be this cool?


    NSFW – Dark Elf

    She’s a bad girl, I’m thinking.


    Odds of dying

    I want to be shot by a jealous husband when I’m 98 years old.


    Fall Bunny


    Fall Bunny