NSFW – Plumber Truck

Plumbers are NSFW :


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  • Moses – Water

    moses-water.jpg (54 KB)

    Moses, stop it!

    WTF is this shit?!

    mario-wtf.jpg (66 KB)

    Too Much Guitar

    wtf-guitar.jpg (41 KB)

    How the hell is he supposed to play the one on the bottom?

    I’m so wet

    twixbath1.jpg (65 KB)

    Monitor Arch

    arch.jpg (28 KB)

    Skill, boredom, stupidity? Maybe all of them? Take your pick.

    Patrick Stewarts Killer Mustache

    Patrick_Stewart_Killer_Tache.jpg (39 KB)

    Yay or Nay?

    Female Brain

    femalebrain.jpg (206 KB)

    Trouble Brewing

    beerguysintogirls_lo.jpg (113 KB)

    Extra Paper Work


    Super Locked Bike


    Ellen Page




    Angry Orange


    Mega Cruise Ship


    NSFW – SuperShine Toothpaste

    Toothpaste is NSFW :


  • Hello – Goodbye

    47.jpg (61 KB)

    It’s The Feds!

    nintendo.jpg (363 KB)

    Car, Bus, Bycicle

    car_bus_bycicle.jpg (452 KB)


    Amount of space required to transport the same number of passengers by car, bus or bycicle

    Reading Rainbow

    1195251791767.jpg (163 KB)

    Pillow Girlfriend At Dinner Time

    1195253751538.jpg (62 KB)

    He sure seems fulfilled.


    1195533966587.jpg (51 KB)


    119559642454.png (134 KB)

    What? I didn’t break the law!


    True story btw 🙁

    Mortal Kombat Movie Poster

    mortal_kombat_ver1_xlg.jpg (148 KB)

    insert cheesy techno here

    Shall i give you dis pear?

    sephirothasks.jpg (31 KB)

    Shall i give you dis pear?
    i lol’d

    Drug Cat

    drug cat.jpg (42 KB)

    Cultural Trend

    ComicaziRob14.jpg (27 KB)

    Vending Machine Disguise

    1192889114877.jpg (63 KB)

    When you see it, you will shit bricks.

    Church Sign

    a77_church14.jpg (15 KB)

    Salvation Guaranteed –
    Or Your Sins Cheerfully Refunded!

    and many more from: www.oddee.com/item_86516.aspx

    Christ Died for our Dunkin’ Donuts

    a100_a14.jpg (36 KB)

    man… i know those donuts are full of sins

    Gee, I Wish I Were a Man

    a55_gee.jpg (28 KB)

    GEE!! I wish I were A MAN

    I’d JOIN the NAVY

    Be a man and do it

    United States Navy
    Recruiting Station

    Howard Chandler Christy 1917. Poster showing a young woman in a Navy uniform. World War I.
    via: www.oddee.com/item_66536.aspx

    Harry Potter is Dead

    83.jpg (116 KB)

    ghost busters

    ghostbusters.jpg (32 KB)

    Peter Raymond Egon

    Zombies ate my neighbors

    Genesis-Zombies_Ate_My_Neighbors_bo.jpg (47 KB)


    American Gladiators

    1AmericanGladiatorsA.jpg (74 KB)

    Nitro rules.

    Jupiter and Io



    From the NASA Image Of The Day Blog 

    Douche Bag



    Don’t be one.

    Minesweeper Epic Fail

    FAIL_by_LoRd_CoNNoR.jpg (64 KB)

    Nobody has ever failed quite as badly as you just did.


    killgrog45389ef9a298e.jpg (34 KB)

    …Its a legitimate stratagy.

    B5 – The Whitestar

    1whitestar.JPG (230 KB)

    From Babylon 5. Flagship of the Forces of Light.

    10 megabyte hard disk – $3,495

    272.jpg (110 KB)

    I have seen the other pic, but have never seen this one before.

    T3 Hunter Killer

    t3-6_1024.jpg (82 KB)

    Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
    A flying killing machine.
