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    Socialism for the rich



    Man down, man down!


    Michelle Monaghan

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    From Paris Fashion Week 2022

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    Linda Carter 1980s

    The Hidden Costs of Slow Internet: Why Upgrading to an NBN Plan is Worth It

    Do you ever feel like you’re constantly waiting for your internet to catch up? Perhaps it takes ages for web pages to load, streaming services buffer endlessly, or online gaming lags unbearably. While the frustration of a slow internet connection is evident, the true cost goes beyond mere inconvenience. (more…)

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    Uncle Tom once told me.

    Olivia cooke

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    He legit said that

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    Off-Road Etiquette: How Bull Bars Promote Responsible Driving

    While the thrill of off-roading is undeniable, it comes with a responsibility to uphold off-road etiquette.


    Budget-Friendly Office Fitout Ideas Without Compromising Quality

    Finding cost-effective solutions for enhancing your workplace can be a priority. Fortunately, there are plenty of budget-friendly ideas to spruce up your workspace without compromising on quality. 


    Navigating Uncertainty: How to Identify and Assess Risks in Your Business


    Running a successful business involves navigating various challenges, and understanding and managing risks is a critical aspect of this journey. The ability to identify and assess risks is foundational.


    Every business owner dreams of smooth sailing, but the reality is, unexpected challenges crop up all the time. From economic downturns to shifting customer preferences, unforeseen events can throw your carefully laid plans into disarray. That’s where risk management comes in. 


    Think of risk management as having a weatherproof map for your business journey, highlighting potential storms and guiding you towards calmer waters. By proactively identifying and assessing risks, you gain a crucial edge. You can anticipate problems before they hit, develop contingency plans and make informed decisions that safeguard your company’s future. 


    But where do you start? Don’t worry because it’s really not as complex as it might seem. Here’s a breakdown of the key steps to take:

    1. Chart Your Course

    Start by outlining your business goals and objectives. What are you aiming to achieve in the next year, three years or five years? Having a clear destination in mind helps you identify potential roadblocks that could hinder your progress.

    2. Scan the Horizon

    Conduct a thorough risk assessment. This involves looking both internally and externally. Internally, examine your operations, finances and team. Are there any weaknesses in your systems? Are you reliant on a single supplier? Externally, consider industry trends, economic factors and regulatory changes. What emerging threats could impact your business?

    3. Prioritise Threats

    Not all risks are created equal. Some pose a serious danger, while others are minor inconveniences. Use a risk matrix to categorise each risk based on its likelihood of occurring and its potential impact. This helps you focus your efforts on the most critical threats.

    4. Craft Your Defence

    Once you’ve identified and prioritised your risks, it’s time to develop mitigation strategies. This could involve diversifying your supplier base, investing in cybersecurity measures or building a financial buffer. The key is to have a plan in place to minimise the damage if a risk materialises.

    5. Stay Vigilant

    The business landscape is constantly evolving, so your risk assessment shouldn’t be a one-time exercise. Regularly review and update your plan as your business grows and external factors change. Remember, adaptability is key to navigating uncertainty.

    Beyond the Checklist

    More than just ticking boxes, risk management is about fostering a culture of awareness and preparedness within your organisation. Encourage open communication from employees about potential risks. 


    Regularly discuss risk mitigation strategies with your team and empower them to take ownership of their responsibilities. Remember that a proactive and engaged workforce is your best line of defence.


    By taking these steps, you can transform risk management from a daunting task into a valuable tool for business success. It’s not about eliminating all risks—that’s simply impossible. But by identifying and addressing them effectively, you can ensure your business is weatherproofed for whatever storms may come, charting a course towards a brighter and more secure future.

    Cloudy skies over Sydney

    Wholesale Wisdom: Making the Most of Your Bulk Coffee Purchase

    The aroma of freshly brewed beans is an undeniable pleasure for coffee aficionados. But for businesses, restaurants, and even passionate homebrewers, the allure of wholesale coffee goes beyond just the scent. It’s about unlocking significant savings, ensuring consistent quality, and streamlining the coffee supply chain. However, navigating the world of wholesale coffee can be daunting, especially for first-time buyers. Fear not, coffee connoisseurs! This guide equips you with the knowledge and strategies to make informed decisions and maximise your bulk coffee purchase.

    Understanding Your Needs: Bean Types, Roasts, and Quantities

    The foundation of a successful wholesale coffee purchase lies in understanding your specific needs. Consider the following factors:

    • Bean Type: Do you prefer the bold, chocolatey notes of Arabica beans or Robusta’s bright, citrusy acidity? Or perhaps a blend suits your taste better? Each bean type offers unique flavour profiles and caffeine levels.
    • Roast: Light roasts boast vibrant acidity and delicate flavours, while darker roasts showcase bolder, smokier notes. Consider your brewing methods and desired taste profile when choosing a roast.
    • Quantity: How much coffee do you realistically consume? Buying in bulk offers savings, but overstocking can lead to stale beans and wasted money. Carefully assess your consumption habits and storage capacity before making a purchase.

    Choosing the Right Wholesale Supplier: Quality, Service, and Price

    With a clear understanding of your needs, it’s time to find the perfect wholesale coffee supplier. Here are some key considerations:

    • Quality: Look for suppliers who prioritise ethically sourced, high-quality beans. Ask about their sourcing practices, roasting methods, and freshness guarantees.
    • Service: Communication, prompt delivery, and customer service are crucial. Choose a supplier who values your business and understands your specific requirements.
    • Price: While cost is important, consider more than just the cheapest option. Consider the quality, service, and overall value proposition different suppliers offer.

    Beyond the Beans: Essential Considerations for Storage and Maintenance

    Purchasing wholesale coffee is just the first step. To ensure optimal flavour and freshness, proper storage and maintenance are essential:

    • Airtight Containers: Store your beans in airtight containers away from light, heat, and moisture. Glass jars or opaque, airtight bags are ideal.
    • Portion Control: Consider pre-grinding smaller quantities for immediate use and storing the rest as whole beans for longer shelf life.
    • Rotation: Implement a “first-in, first-out” system to ensure you use the older beans first and avoid waste.

    Brewing Perfection: Tips for Extracting the Best Flavour

    Now that your coffee is stored meticulously, it’s time to unlock its full potential. Here are some brewing tips:

    • Freshly Grind: Grinding your beans before brewing unlocks the maximum flavour and aroma.
    • Filtered Water: Use filtered or spring water for optimal taste and to avoid mineral buildup in your brewing equipment.
    • Correct Ratios: Experiment with different coffee-to-water ratios to find the perfect strength for your taste.
    • Clean Equipment: Regularly clean your brewing equipment to prevent build-up and ensure optimal performance.

    Conclusion: Savoring the Rewards of a Wise Wholesale Purchase

    By following these guidelines, you can confidently navigate the world of wholesale coffee. Remember, the key lies in understanding your needs, choosing a reliable supplier, and implementing proper storage and brewing practices. With a little planning and knowledge, you’ll be enjoying delicious, cost-effective coffee for a long time. So, embrace the aroma, savour the flavour, and unlock the full potential of your bulk coffee purchase!

    Selena Gomez


    Give the crowds a softer hit