wizjob (190946)
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Registered 2013-10-10 14:55:36

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Recent Comments from wizjob

  • Comment on Flag (2017-01-04 09:25:56)
    Yea, because if you support Trump, you must have no other reason except because you're a racist moron. Please, keep up the narrative, it worked so well for you this time around. It's going to be a great 8 years.
  • Comment on Mental Disorder (2016-12-09 14:28:01)
    Who's trying to be funny? The above is not humor or opinion. And you think that because she put on a good show covering up her atrocious core beliefs and motives this makes the above ad-hominem. Pathetic.
  • Comment on War Monger (2016-12-09 14:24:19)
    Your shitty opinion on the matter doesn't change the facts. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/15/us/politics/obama-as-wartime-president-has-wrestled-with-protecting-nation-and-troops.html?_r=0 Oh, and is the NYTimes a 'credible' enough source for you? "WASHINGTON — President Obama came into office seven years ago pledging to end the wars of his predecessor, George W. Bush. On May 6, with eight months left before he vacates the White House, Mr. Obama passed a somber, little-noticed milestone: He has now been at war longer than Mr. Bush, or any other American president." Tiki, your bias is showing, pls try again.
  • Comment on If Melania Stays In Trump Tower (2016-12-02 09:22:26)
    http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/11/13/donald-trump-60-minutes-vacation-salary/93778704/ The man is not here for self indulgent the president before him. No salary, no big vacations.
  • Comment on If Melania Stays In Trump Tower (2016-12-01 17:46:34)
    Wonder how much Vacations for Trump and family will compare to what Obama cost America... http://www.dailywire.com/news/2819/so-how-much-has-all-obamas-vacations-cost-james-barrett
  • Comment on Donald Trump has a fundamental misunderstanding of how the first amendment works (2016-11-30 09:13:38)
    Hook, line, sinker. 5D chess. [img]https://i.sli.mg/2actMF.jpg[/img]
  • Comment on Donald Trump coloring book (2016-11-16 09:00:45)
    Yea, well fuck you and all the illegals that rode in on you.
  • Comment on Hope and Change (2016-11-15 11:40:08)
    I would love to continue but the site simply wont post my remarks
  • Comment on Hope and Change (2016-11-15 11:35:44)
    Annual Deficit: Nope. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jul/17/budget-deficit-nearly-doubles-during-obama-years/ Housing Prices: http://nypost.com/2016/04/09/team-obama-is-setting-us-up-for-another-housing-market-collapse/
  • Comment on Hope and Change (2016-11-15 11:33:02)
    Wordpress sucks.
  • Comment on Hope and Change (2016-11-15 11:30:05)
    Unemployment Rate: Real Unemployment Rate %9.8, and that's being generous. http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/sorry-but-the-real-unemployment-rate-is-9-8-not-5/ GDP Growth: Obama has become the first president Since Hoover NOT to see 3% GDP. His economic performance has been average at best. http://www.cnsnews.com/blog/terence-p-jeffrey/obama-may-be-first-president-hoover-not-see-3-gdp-growth Corporate Profits: Dispite his strangle hold via regulations and taxes that are all but smothering corporate America, this factoid may be true. But that squeezing of businesses has only translated to millions of Americans loosing their jobs and taking pay cuts. http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2015/05/red-tape-rising-six-years-of-escalating-regulation-under-obama Discretionary Spending: *clears throat*... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.forbes.com/sites/peterferrara/2012/06/14/president-obama-the-biggest-government-spender-in-world-history/#7f7d81f27002
  • Comment on Hope and Change (2016-11-15 11:29:37)
    Every "fact" on this sheet is refutable. I have tried posting several times but keep getting blocked...
  • Comment on Trump Voter Brutally Assaulted for Simply Voting Trump (2016-11-10 14:04:42)
    I truly want to believe you're kidding... but honestly, I don't know. In the unthinkable chance that you're not kidding, please, enlighten me as to how you believe ANY of this is rooted from wanting to rob him instead of 'thug-shame' him for his political views.
  • Comment on 500 Million Dollars Later (2016-11-04 08:47:50)
    Forget about the server itself then. How about the lies under oath? How about destroying evidence after the subpoena? How about the absolutely unethical and extremely careless nature in which she and her administration handled classified material. Classified material was backed up to Anthony Wieners laptop under a folder called "Life Insurance" for fucks sake! You're so quick to focus on what you believe to be batshit crazy (when me and millions of others wholeheartedly disagree with you on that point) and ignore other damming evidence right in front of you. All you have is a bunch of deflection and misdirection. You want to think that people like Rush Limbaugh and Herman Cain are batshit crazy and have no idea what they are talking about because it scares the shit out of you that after all these years of laughing at them behind veiled impressions of who you believe they are, fueled by the narrative of the left, they might actually have been right all along. I use them as an example because because they teach people to look past the deflection and misdirection spewed by the left that is absorbed by the ever growing population of dumb-masses in this country. People who are willing to believe any left wing stat placed in front of them. Information gathered by a left wing analytical group funded by a left wing special interest group with a left wing agenda. Look, we could go at this until we run out of room on this page but I tire of this. You have already demonstrated in true ignorant liberal fashion that there is no amount of evidence I can put in front of you that you wont try to discredit by calling batshit crazy because a liberal source said they were, or just outright ignore and deflect onto something else that I consider to be batshit crazy (as well as millions of other Americans and non from around the world would agree). I weep for America under 8 more years of dangerous, failed, liberal policy with misrepresented results bolstered by an obviously corrupt and paid off mainstream media that has some sort of hypnotic strangle hold on such a great portion of the most weak minded of America, those of which I fear now represent the majority. I guess time will tell... unless Hillary starts a nuclear war with Russia... I hope then you be able to hear ghostly calls echoing in through the nuclear winter, permeating your mind: "I told you so..." All this aside, I want to thank you for the hard work you put into this site. I've been a lurker for about 8 years and really only comment occasionally, but visiting MCS has become part of my morning ritual when I get to work; to scroll through and catch up on new content added since yesterday morning. It can sometimes be difficult for a conservative like myself to wade through some of the heavily weighted left leaning material and commentators, but I mostly enjoy it non-the-less. Props to you for keeping it going for as long as you have and keeping it full of interesting stuff, I know it's hard work.
  • Comment on 500 Million Dollars Later (2016-11-03 07:58:31)
    I guess we can all agree then that "Grab em by the pussy" was just taken out of context then.
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